Sunday, 24 August 2014

A Wedding In Poland

Two weeks ago today I was resting on a river bank by a lazy river, nursing an epic hangover after the greatest, most enjoyable and touching bash I had ever attended, whilst my brother worked on composing the above song. There is something awfully self-serving about praising one's own wedding, but the reception we held at Palac Alexandrow, formerly the home of the von Richthofens (including supposedly the famous Red Baron - a fact too good to check), was, to quote my seven-year-old niece, "magical".

The wedding also was a leaving-party of sorts, since I am now returning to the UK to start a new job and a new life. Life's going to get a lot more staid, I'm afraid - after more than a decade of travelling between different countries, speaking different languages, I'm now back in the UK for the forseeable future, married to a wonderful woman, with a house and a car and a serious job.

As a result posting is bound to become less frequent, though I'm not going to abandon this blog, as the world has hardly become a place less worth writing about. I might even get around to finally carrying out the big re-vamp that I've been putting off for the last few years.


  1. Hi Foarp,

    congratulations, best wishes to the two of you and all your loved ones, and once you re-vamp your blog, make sure that commenting is made easy.

  2. Don't worry. We'll find you and pay you a visit for some fun and games. Electoral register and all that!!!

  3. Chris, I hope you like jail, because that's what you'd be bringing on yourself if you tried to carry out that threat.

    I'm going to leave your threat up as evidence of your harrassing behaviour. How are things in Sri Lanka? IP address is I see.

  4. More comments were sent from the same IP address using sickening language. This man truly has a diseased mind - and I guess can't stand to see others getting on in life.

    Moderation is back on.


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