Monday, 22 September 2008

New year's day . . . .

September has always been the month of change in my life, far more so that the year's end you'll see on a calendar, just as (uber blogger) Andrew Sullivan says, September is the real start of the year. This September has brought it's own changes - last week I started the Common Professional Exam course with an eye towards becoming a solicitor. Patenting was OK but I'm not sure I really wanted to spend the rest of my working life trying to spot differences between different types of hinges, and my lack of a PhD was also holding me back, I always preferred the legal aspects of IP anyway. Let's hope that change really is as good as a rest!


  1. for us 'mericans ...... isn't being a solicitor illegal? and aren't you the wrong sex to be truly successful?

  2. Solicitor=Law talkin' person

    Nice to see y'all around


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